The idea is to connect people together through a practical aim: drawing a straight line on the map and then crossing the city along that line as straight as possible. By making Straight Line, we would like to create a space between aesthetic art practices, exploration of urban landscapes, political actions and daily lives.

In order to realize this idea, we need to collaborate with all the possible people who is interested in, who has different tools and knowledges, who is connected to different organizations, institutions, unions and communities and who could help or share personal and collective experiences.
Walking along the line will be the result of the meetings with all those people. There will be series of talks, discussions, exchanges of experiences, preparations, practical teachings, studies and everything we will find important to do in order to realize our aim.
This main aim consists of many several partial smaller aims : practical and aesthetical exercises and advices, exchange of experiences among the different participators. Everyone will have the opportunity to give his own views and thoughts on how to resolve these or other problems that will appear on the way of our line.

In Straight Line, there is also the idea to help the groups and the people who participate to come together, pose important questions, solve problems that affect everyone and discuss together. It will be done before, during the preparation, but especially, during the walk along the line. We believe in the performative function of individual and collective walking. Walking, sensing, belonging together, the participants will become a group. In that way (along the Straight line), the arts/research practice we propose will help the people to turn, bend and reflect back upon themselves, upon their relations, actions, roles and ways of living and surviving. And they will share their thoughts and feelings on those problems together. The embodied, relational and collective attributes of walking is understood here as a means of exploring the city landscape and the importance of being-in-place among a group whose lives are often isolated in the high seas of competition.

Climbers or parkour trainers will share important knowledges. These practitioners will propose physical trainings. At the same time, activists will explain how to organize actions in public spaces. Streets poets, theatre groups, cookers, habitants, visual scientists, depending on the composition of the group and their decisions, will give others possibilities of acting on the street. They will share their experience of making soup on the street for instance. They will focus attention and involve other people to join the walk.
We will also need to decide how to pass through the private spaces and how to deal with the owners of such spaces. We have to think about specific permissions and possibilities to pass through closed spaces.
During the walk, people will climb on the roof to keep the walk in straight line. Other people will circumvent the building or the obstacle (to interview the inhabitants for instance). However, it could be important to keep the main line as straight as possible.
One of the key decision points is to plan each step together and then to realize it by common decision. How to draw this line? Such decision will also be taken together.
Finally, after common talks and walks, new ideas for new "Straight lines" will appear in others places and cities.

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